What We Do

Kiwanis Fundraising Activities

The Kiwanis Club of Dubuque raises funds to support it’s mission of serving the children of Dubuque. A popular fundraising activity is Peanut Days, where Kiwanis members give away peanuts and pretzels for donations.

Key Club College Scholarships

The Janelle Geisert scholarship is awarded annually to two Key Club students.

Kiwanis Club Sponsorships

Aktion Club is the only service club for adults with disabilities, with more than 12,000 members worldwide. The Dubuque club was established in 2016. The Aktion Club motto is: Where envelopment has no disability. The vision of the Aktion Club is: To develop competent, capable, caring leaders through the vehicle of service. This active club meets on the second Thursday of each month at the Dubuque Eagles Club, 1175 Century Drive from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. Their fundraising includes selling crafts and pizzas, to mention a few, which made possible the purchase of a vest for the local police dog.
Key Club is a service organization led by high school students and it encourages leadership by serving others. Local Key Clubs include Dubuque Senior High School and Stephen Hempstead High School.
Builders Club is a service organization for the middle school students at Eleanor Roosevelt Middle School. Established in 2017, this student-led organization has the motto: Building leaders. Their vision is: To develop competent, capable, caring leaders through the vehicle of service.
For over 20 years the K-Kids Club at Hoover Elementary School have pitched in to help with fundraising activities and service projects, such as the biannual Highway 61 clean-up project and ringing bells for the Salvation Army in December each year.

Are you ready to join us? Contact us or apply for Kiwanis club membership here
